Monday, September 8, 2008

09.05.08 Time with Great-Grandma and Grandpa Morgan

We went to Great-Grandma and Great-Grandpa Morgan's house this morning. Great-Grandma had put up an art exhibit celebrating her 50 years of painting. It was running at an art gallery for about a month, and I was so anxious to see it! She did a fabulous job, and I was so proud of her. She took us out to lunch at a nice little tea room in Plymouth, IN and then on a tour of her art show. Great job, Grandma! I am so proud of you! When we got back to their house, Great-Grandpa was out in the garden picking red raspberries. Grant was hooked immediately -- he's the fruit king! So after munching on handfuls of raspberries, Great-Grandma took him back to pick some tomatoes and green peppers. Great-Grandpa went and got a potato fork so they could show Grant where potatoes came from. So they dug in the dirt for a while. Then we went in and Grant got to wash the veggies he had just picked. He had a ball! He and Grandma danced for a while around the house, and he succeeded in completely wearing out both of his great grandparents. They rested for a while, while Grant played with Great-Grandma's bead necklaces. What fun we had! Grandma Morgan's Art Show: Playing in the Garden: Washing his Veggies: Dancing with Great-Grandma: Playing with Beads:

1 comment:

Jessi said...

Grant is having a ball...what neat things he's able to experience! Can I bring Josiah next time? :-)

I don't know what it is about those bead necklaces, but Josiah just loves playing with them, too.

I just love seeing all that Grant is getting to do while visiting makes me smile. But I'm sad that Mason is growing before my very eyes (via the internet)...oh how I wish that we were closer so the BIG boys could play and the babies could coo at each other. :-)

Miss you!