Tuesday, October 27, 2009

10.27.2009 Halloween Costumes

We had such a lovely day playing in our Halloween Costumes today! The boys love their costumes; so much so that I can hardly get them to take them off! I was a bit worried because Grant wore the Tin Man costume last year and remembered it. He was insistent that it was his and threw a fit any time he'd hear Mason was going to be the Tin Man this year. That is, until he got his Scarecrow costume in the mail today from Grandma Beutler. She made him the cutest little Scarecrow costume and he no longer cares that Mason's the Tin Man because HE's the SCARECROW! How cool! And Mason just loves his hat. Silly boys. They DO look very cute, if I do say so myself. We took them to the pumpkin patch tonight and they definitely stole the show. I'm amazed more people don't dress up to go pick out a pumpkin down here. I mean, it's not like you're going to a field to pick your pumpkin like up north. It's not a dirty endeavor, and the costumes make it so much more fun! It's a good trade-off for not having a real pumpkin patch.


Stephanie Freemyer said...

Cute boys! I miss them so much! Hurry up Thanksgiving! :)

Unknown said...

Sara!! They look so darn cute!!! O h my goodness I could eat them up!!!:)
LOVE IT! Miss you guys!

UM companions said...

I know that I am biased, but I think that we have the cutest grandchildren in the world. Can't wait for Thanksgiving!!!!