Tuesday, February 24, 2009

February 4, 2009

We had so much fun today! I tried to be more creative with the ways I entertained the boys, and they LOVED it! While Mason was napping, Grant and I played Candy Land for the first time. He doesn't quite get it yet, but he's on his way. And he loved counting the spaces to move and identifying the various colors. I finally just gave up on the rules and played with the people with him.
After Mason woke up, we made a giant fort out of our family room and left it up for nearly the rest of the day. They had a blast! Both of them huddled underneath the fort for most of the day with various toys, etc, giggling and pulling me in by the hand to join them. Aren't they cute!


West05 said...

We love making tents too! I remember enjoying that as a child as well so the nostalgia gets me every time. We are venturing into some board games as well, we have not tried Candyland yet but Don't Break The Ice is a big hit and so is Dora Dominoes! I have also gotten some creative ideas from Brens little class at the Parks Dept.

Jessi said...

I lived in tents as a child....but I've not made many for Josiah yet....it's just more to clean up than I have the energy for.

Good for you for starting to get out the board games for Grant! I've refrained from that, too, because I just don't think I have the patience...but I'm definitely curious to see how Josiah would do with them. Glad to hear that Grant enjoyed it so much.

UM companions said...

So fun - I wish I could be there to climb in tent with them. I still love tents and I'm a grandma!