Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Oh, the pain of it all...

This morning we got up early to go to our doctor's office. Both Chris and I had to have some immuniations done before our trip to San Salvador in January. Chris only had to have one shot, but I was stuck 5 times! I haven't had shots in a very long time and I'd forgotten how greatly they hurt. Chris held Grant as they stuck me and the little man's whole demeanor was quite different than when he's at the doctor for his own shots. Instead of incessant screams, he watched them stick me, smiled, giggled and clapped his hands. The little booger! Tonight, however, my arms are extremely sore, and I'm wishing I didn't have to have them done. Later this afternoon, we went to a used children's store and bought a bike trailer so that we can put Grant in it and go on family bike rides. We've been wanting one for quite a while now. And yes, we've already been on a bike ride. Now if you know anything about me, you know that I'm a good ol' midwestern girl from Indiana. If you know anything about Indiana, you know that it is flat - straight and flat. And if you know anything about Virginia, you know that it is anything but flat. I know I must have looked ridiculous as I made Chris ride my pink bike with Grant trailing behind while I took his sleek silver bike with the bar across the top. The only problem was, I wasn't riding his bike. I was walking next to it. That is until we got to the going down part - I could ride just fine if we were on our way down the hill. And so I was on the bike - off the bike - on the bike - and off again. I can only imagine what passers-by must have been thinking as they saw me trudging along behind my family. I'm sure it was a sight to see. Despite the lack of riding, my thighs are burning like crazy tonight. I was contacted by a friend this week who reminded me of when we were juniors in college and took a weight training class. After class we went to CPO (the college post office) and her legs felt like jelly, so she fell down the stairs and crashed into the glass door at the bottom of the stairs. I felt just like that as I tried to carry Grant upstairs to his room to take a nap after our family trek up the seemingly never-ending mountain. Suddenly, the stairs seemed never-ending as well. So not only are my arms aching, giving me a newfound pity for my son at his immunizations, but my legs are tense as well. And so tonight I am feeling so old.

1 comment:

Jan said...

so were you asleep when we were supposed to be talking at 10pm? :)